Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well.. I was reading this news online and decided I should probably share my story of botox to the keen ones out there.Anyways to be honest,I ever went for a botox session once.When I was just a mere 21,just for the fun of it and also if it really works better still right?For my case,i was pretty conscious about my squarish jawline all along. Ive always wondered how i would look like with a small petite face.

And thus,under recommendation.I went to a surgical clinic in Paragon to have it fixed.And damn.It cost me a hefty 2k plus.Its a very simple procedure.All you need is to do is to lie down on that clinic bed.And your anesthetic doctor would inject 6 botox shots at the side of your jawline.SO in total,its 12 shots.Mine was supposingly a very experienced doctor.

Seriously each shot took my breath away because Ive always been scared of injection. But after that one day session.Im no longer scared of INJECTIONS anymore.

Well anyway,after paying such a considerable amount for my botox and undergoing 12 injection shots.I was full of hope and excitedly waiting for my face to become smaller .Finally after a week,yes ,my jawline did become smaller and no longer as squarish as before but it comes in a package together with side effects too.


I cant smile naturally.#wails#Whenever i smile,its a lopsided twisted one.And i have to endure 3 weeks of laughter from my besties.Trust me. They really cracked up and doubled over with laughter whenever they saw me for that few weeks. Poor me have to stop smiling widely for that period,ive to attempt a feeble weak (trying to look natural)one.

The good side is? Everyone commented i look slimmer.Thats cause one's chubby face always create this unfair illusion that it equate to the body size too.which is definitely wrong.

Anyway ,I also realized eventually that i was ripped off at Paragon.Theres other clinics out there charging 500 plus only for one session.# Im being treated and con off like a tai tai at the age of 21#.Seriously how can the doctor be so heartless. He could have warn me about it right? hahahaa.

Anyway that was indeed quite an experience and trust me after that one session,I never went back for more.The result is not quite what i expected as the change is minimal and you have to go back every 3-4 months for continuous session.Most importantly,I never knew what was in that little botox shot.If it can make my mouth twitched like that. I wonder how it would affect the rest of my body in the long run.

But for the curious ones, you can always try and see the result for yourself.Its worth trying for that one time experience.Perhaps wedding?The side effects does varies for individuals. SO good luck!

-Dawn L.


  1. wonderful post! thanks for sharing your botox experience with us! I'm also planning a Toronto botox procedure as soon as possible. I really want to eliminate wrinkles around my eyes. They are so annoying! I have to find a professional doctor in order to reduce the side effects of this treatment. I hope botox will work for me too!

  2. Thank you Stacie!Yes. do be careful because my case was that the doctor injected on the wrong muscle tissue or something along that line which resulted in such a side effect.And try to avoid going to paragon because its a rip off. My friends recommended one at Yishun.lastly,the area around the eyes are generally more do be careful!

    -Dawn L
